Corporate giving to Project Read offers a powerful opportunity for businesses to make a significant impact on their communities while also reaping mutual benefits.

By supporting Project Read, companies contribute to improving literacy rates and educational outcomes, fostering a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce. This investment not only enhances the lives of individuals but also strengthens the community, leading to a more vibrant local economy. Additionally, businesses that engage in corporate giving often experience increased employee morale and brand reputation, positioning themselves as leaders in corporate social responsibility.

Program Sponsor

Program Sponsorship allows companies to fund specific programs or initiatives within Project Read. This could include adult literacy classes, scholarships, and reading and writing incentives.

Event Sponsor

Event Sponsorship involves corporations funding or partially funding specific events hosted by Project Read, such as Annual Recognition, Volunteer Appreciation, Spelling Bee, and other fundraising events. Sponsors receive brand visibility and recognition during the events.

Employee Giving

Employee Giving Sponsorship involves encouraging and facilitating employees' donations and volunteer efforts towards Project Read. This can be through matching gift programs, payroll deductions, or organized volunteer events.

In-Kind Sponsor

In-Kind Sponsorship involves companies providing goods or services instead of direct financial contributions. This could include donating books, technology, marketing services, or venues for events.